Main Control Window

 The following gadgets appear in this window:

 Scan Mode  : The supported scanning modes.

 Opt        : Dependent on the scan mode there are several scanning options.

 Scan Medium: The supported scanning medias.
              Possible values:

              Flatbed : the normal flatbed scanning mode
              TMA     : the transparency medium adapter to scan

 Resolution : The resolution to be used at scanning.
              The highest resolution value depends on the scanner model.
              The preview resolution is independent from this value and
              derived from the Preview Window size.

 Preset     : The predefined resolutions for faster setting of
              scanning resolution.

 Change Resolution Preset :
              Change the list of predefined resolution values.
              The current resolution value of the slider is taken.
              If the value is already in the list, then it will be removed.
              If the value is not in the list, then it will be added.
              The number of possible values is restricted.
              In older versions of the operating system the changes can only
              be ssen after a restart of ScanTek.

 Preview    : To get a preview image for displaying in the  Preview Window .
              This function can also be start by selecting the menu item
               Project/Preview .

 Scan       : To start scanning. This function can also be start by selecting
              the menu item  Project/Scan .

 Keep Frame Size : 
              Tag this gadget, if you want to keep the size of the scanned
              image constant. Regardless of your changes on the resolution.

 Lock Aspect : 
              This operation is applied after a resize operation of the
              scanning frame. It can be used to keep the x/y aspect of the
              scanning frame.
              Tag this cycle gadget, if you want to influence the shape
              of the resized scanning frame.

              Possible values:

              No: Take the shape of the scanning frame as it is.
              X : Take the percentual modification in x direction and apply
                  it to the y direction of the scanning frame.
              Y : Take the percentual modification in y direction and apply
                  it to the x direction of the scanning frame.

              If the new scanning frame is out of bounds, then the modification
              is aborted.

 CloseGadget : To quit the program.

 The following information text fields appear in this window:

 Width       : Displays the width of scanning frame in the current chosen
               length unit.

 Height      : Displays the height of the scanning frame in the current chosen
               length unit.

 Size        : Displays the size of the image

TOP Do you have any suggestions or questions about ScanTek then email to CONTENTSPREVNEXTHOME

Copyright 1996/97/98/2002 by Waldemar Zöhner V1.1