External Program Window

 This window enables you to edit the parameters necessary for launching
 an external program. The program will be started right after scanning and
 saving an image.

 Executable      : This string gadget shows the current filename of the
                   executable program (or what ever can be started with the
                   built in SystemTags).
                   If you want, that the filename of the scanned image should be
                   inserted in the command then you should insert %s at the
                   appropriate position.

 ?               : Opens a file requester, where you can choose an external
                   program. If you select the external program, then the full
                   path and the filename are valid as executable.
                   You may add %s if you like.

 Executable      : Tag this gadget, if you want the external program started.

 Synchronization : This gadget lets you set the type of execution.

                   Sync   : ScanTek will wait until the launched external
                            program terminates. If a startup error occurs
                            during the execution of the external program
                            a notification requester appears with an error

                   Async  : ScanTek does not wait and continues to work
                            without any relations to the launched program.
                            There will be in rare cases a notification
                            requester, since the error information is no
                            more relevant.

                   Test your external program in synchron mode and if this
                   works fine, then you may switch to asynchron mode.

 Cancel          : Throw away changes.

 OK              : Accept changes.

TOP Do you have any suggestions or questions about ScanTek then email to CONTENTSPREVNEXTHOME

Copyright 1996/97/98/2002 by Waldemar Zöhner V1.1