Scanning Misc Window

 This window enables you to set several miscellaneous parmeters.

 Reverse Colors :
           If checked, then the scanner will produce a negative image.
           This parameter is ghosted if it is not supported by the used
           scanner model.

 Accurate Coordinates :
           If checked, then the scanning frame will be sent to the scanner
           in pixel unit.
           The scanned image dimensions will correspond with the scanning
           frame shown in the preview window.
           This parameters should be checked for better scanning results.
           This parameter is ghosted if it is not supported by the used

 Use own Black/White Mode :
           If checked, then a special black/white scanning mode is used in
           black/white scanning. The image is scanned in grey mode and then
           converted to black/white.
           This parameter should be checked, if you are not statisfied with
           the normal black/white scanning.

 Reverse BW and Half Tone :
           If checked, then the normal black/white and half tone image is
           reversed (inverted). 

 Color Preview :
           If checked, then the preview is done in true color.
           This parameter is ghosted if the current ScanTek screen is not
           a Cybergraphix screen with 15, 16 or 24 bit color depth or your
           your scanner does not support onepass color scans.
           Remember: Color scanning increases the duration of the preview and
                     it consumes three times more memory to hold the preview
                     scan data.

 Mustek Preview Correction :
           If checked, then a special calculation of the preview and
           scanning units will be done.
           This parameter should be checked if your preview image in the
            Preview Window  appears to be too small.
           You should normally see the image that is specified by
           the Width and Height of the  Max Frame Setting Window .

 Open on Public Screen :
           If checked, then ScanTek tries to open his windows on the current
           public screen (normally the Workbench). The public screen must
           fulfill the following requirements:

             1) More than 16 free color pens available
             2) The Screen dimensions must be at last 640x400.
             3) You must have OS3.0 or better.

 SurfSquirrel Workaround :
           If checked, then ScanTek uses a different, incompatible and at
           least very slow scanning algorithm.
           This algorithm is necessary for using the Surf Squirrel SCSI
           host adapter. This workaround does only work for Microtek scanners.
           Mustek scanner do not work with Surf Squirrel SCSI host adapter.

           If you get a "Scanner Busy" requester you must increase the
           SCSIHANGUPTIMER value in the ToolType section of the
           If you familiar with ToolTypes you can decrease the
           SCSIHANGUPTIMER to get a faster scannning process.

           Remark: You do not need this for the "classic" squirrel and
                   other SCSI host adapters. As long as they do not show
                   the same failure.
                   The usage of this workaround may lead to errors on
                   normal SCSI host adapters and to a long scanning

 Use Slide Kit :
           If checked, then the slide kit unit (transparency adapter )
           is used for the current scan and preview process.
           This parameter is ghosted if the transparency adapter is not
           installed or not switched on.

 Cancel  : Throw away changes.

 OK      : Accept changes.

TOP Do you have any suggestions or questions about ScanTek then email to CONTENTSPREVNEXTHOME

Copyright 1996/97/98/2002 by Waldemar Zöhner V1.1